Media from the Molecular Systems Lab    Dept. Systems Biology Harvard Medical School Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering


De novo-designed translation-repressing riboregulators for multi-input cellular logic
Jongmin Kim, Yu Zhou, Paul D. Carlson, Mario Teichmann, Soma Chaudhary, Friedrich C. Simmel, Pamela A. Silver, James J. Collins, Julius B. Lucks, Peng Yin* & Alexander A. Green*
November 2019

Wyss Press Release- Gene-OFF switches tool up synthetic biology
ASU Press Release- That's a switch! Synthetic circuits regulate gene expression Gene-OFF switches tool up synthetic biology
Technology Networks- Gene-OFF Switch Expands Synthetic Biology Toolbox
ScienceDaily- Gene-OFF switches tool up synthetic biology

Super-resolution labelling with Action-PAINT
Ninning Liu, Mingjie Dai†,*, Sinem K. Saka & Peng Yin*
September 2019

Wyss Press Release- Painting the molecular canvas in super-resolution
Nature Research Highlights- Glowing DNA label illuminates a cell's fine details Painting the molecular canvas in super-resolution
Technology Networks- Painting Molecular Pictures at Super-resolution

Immuno-SABER enables highly multiplexed and amplified protein imaging in tissues
S. K. Saka†,*, Y. Wang†,*, J. Y. Kishi, A. Zhu, Y. Zeng, W. Xie, K. Kirli, C. Yapp, M. Cicconet, B. J. Beliveau, S. W. Lapan, S. Yin, M. Lin, E. S. Boyden, P. S. Kaeser, G. Pihan, G. M. Church, and P. Yin*
August 2019

Wyss Press Release- Lighting up proteins with Immuno-SABER Lighting up proteins with Immuno-SABER
ScienceDaily- Lighting up proteins with Immuno-SABER
Biocompare- Immuno-SABER Allows Multiplexed Visualization of Proteins
Science Codex- Lighting up proteins with Immuno-SABER

Rotation tracking of genome-processing enzymes using DNA origami rotors
P. Kosuri, B. D. Altheimer, M. Dai, P. Yin, X. Zhuang*
July 2019

Harvard Press Release- A new spin on DNA

SABER amplifies FISH: enhanced multiplexed imaging of RNA and DNA in cells and tissues
J. Y. Kishi, S. W. Lapan, B. J. Beliveau*, E. R. West, A. Zhu, H. M. Sasaki, S. K. Saka, Y. Wang, C. L. Cepko*, P. Yin*
May 2019

Wyss Press Release- SABER tech gives DNA and RNA visualization a boost
Technology Networks- New DNA-nanotechnology Enhances DNA and RNA Analysis SABER tech gives DNA and RNA visualization a boost
Nanowerk- New DNA-nanotechnology-based method enhances nucleic acid analysis
ScienceDaily- SABER tech gives DNA and RNA visualization a boost
7thSpace- SABER tech gives DNA and RNA visualization a boost

Diverse and robust molecular algorithms using reprogrammable DNA self-assembly
D. Woods†,*, D. Doty†,*, C. Myhrvold, J. Hui, F. Zhou, P. Yin, and E. Winfree*
January 2019

Caltech Press Release- Computer Scientists Create Reprogrammable Molecular Computing System

124-color super-resolution imaging by engineering DNA-PAINT blinking kinetics
O.K. Wade, J.B. Woehrstein, P. C. Nockels, S. Strauss, F. Stehr, J. Stein, F. Schueder, M.T. Strauss, M. Ganji, J. Schnitzbauer, H. Grabmayr, P. Yin, P. Schwille, R. Jungmann*
January 2019

ScienceDaily- Tiny 'blinkers' enable simultaneous imaging of multiple biomolecules

Walking along chromosomes with super-resolution imaging, contact maps, and integrative modeling
G. Nir, I. Farabella, C. Perez Estrada, C.G. Ebeling, B.J. Beliveau, H.M. Sasaki, S.H. Lee, S. Nguyen, R.B. McCole, S. Chattoraj, J. Erceg, J. AlHaj Abed, N.C. Martins, H.Q. Nguyen, M.A. Hannan, S. Russell, N.C. Durand, S.P. Rao, J.Y. Kishi, P. Soler-Vila, M. Di Pierro, J.N. Onuchic, S. Callahan, J. Schreiner, J. Stuckey*, P. Yin*, E. Lieberman Aiden*, M.A. Marti-Renom*, C.T. Wu*
January 2019

Wyss Press Release- Painting human chromosomes in 3D


NIH Director's Pioneer Award
October 2018

Wyss Press Release- Wyss Institute Faculty member Peng Yin receives NIH Director's Pioneer Award
HMS News- Six HMS Scientists Receive NIH Director's Awards
NIH News Release- 2018 NIH Director's awards for High-Risk, High-Reward Research program announced
Harvard Gazette- Seven recognized for high-risk, high-reward research
(e) Science News- Seven Harvard researchers receive NIH funding for high-risk, high-reward research

Wyss researchers and hospital pathologists get together
September 2018

Wyss Press Release- Putting their heads together: when engineers and clinicians talk medicine

NIH Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) grant awarded
September 2018

Wyss Press Release- Wyss Core Faculty member Peng Yin receives award to accelerate Human BioMolecular Atlas Program

Wyss International Symposium on Molecular Robotics
September 2018

Wyss Press Release- 9th Annual Wyss International Symposium: Molecular Robotics

Launching of NuProbe Global, the second start-up from the lab
April 2018

Wyss Press Release- Harvard's Wyss Institute launches NuProbe to facilitate global precision medicine
Technology Networks- Harvard's Wyss Institute launches NuProbe to facilitate global precision
Medgadget- NuProbe Global to Commercialize Multiplexed, Rare Gene Testing Technology
News-Medical.Net- NuProbe to commercialize Wyss Institute's new technology to facilitate precision medicine
Global University Venturing- NuProbe finds $11m in series A
PE Hub Network- Sequoia China and Serica raise $11 mln Series A for NuProbe
Business Wire- NuProbe Announces $11 Million Series A Funding Round
Fierce Biotech- NuProbe bags cash to enable early detection of cancer
Reuters- BRIEF-NuProbe Announces $11 Mln Series A Funding Round
DealStreetAsia- Sequoia China co-leads $11m Series A in US medtech startup NuProbe
FinSMEs- NuProbe Raises $11M in Series A Funding
TechStartups- Molecular diagnostics startup NuProbe raises $11 Million to expand reach of precision medicine


Single-stranded DNA and RNA origami
D. Han, X. Qi, C. Myhrvold, B. Wang, M. Dai, S. Jiang, M. Bates, Y. Liu, B. An*, F. Zhang*, H. Yan* and P. Yin*
December 2017

Wyss Press Release- Single-stranded DNA and RNA origami go live
MRS Bulletin- Complex DNA and RNA origami created from single-strands
Harvard Gazette- Single-stranded DNA and RNA origami go live
Phys.Org- Spaghetti-like, DNA 'noodle origami' the new shape of things to come for nanotechnology
ScienceDaily- Spaghetti-like, DNA 'noodle origami' the new shape of things to come for nanotechnology
Scicasts- Single-Stranded DNA and RNA Origami with Potential for Drug Delivery
Nanowerk- Single-stranded DNA and RNA origami go live
ScienceNewsline- Single-stranded DNA And RNA Origami Go Live
AZoNano- Researchers Use Single-Stranded DNA, RNA to Create Self-Assembling Nanostructures
Technology Networks- Single-stranded Origami Technology Drives Drug Delivery Systems and Pharmaceutical Nanofactories Forward
IEEE GlobalSpec- Origami Nanofactories' May Soon Be Delivering Medicine to Patients

Programmable self-assembly of three-dimensional nanostructures from 10,000 unique components
L. L. Ong, N. Hanikel, O. K. Yaghi, C. Grun, M. T. Strauss, P. Bron, J. Lai-Kee-Him, F. Schueder, B. Wang, P. Wang, J. Y. Kishi, C.A. Myhrvold, A. Zhu, R. Jungmann, G. Bellot*, Y. Ke*, and P. Yin*
December 2017

Wyss Press Release- A 100-fold leap to GigaDalton DNA nanotech
HMS News- DNA nanotech reaches grand scales
Nature News & Views- DNA self-assembly scaled up
Nature Reviews Materials- DNA nanotechnology: Building big with DNA bricks
Science News- Scientists shape DNA into doughnuts, teddy bears, and an image of the Mona Lisa
Science Podcast- Folding DNA into teddy bears and getting creative about gun violence research
C&EN- DNA origami hits the big time
CHEMISTRY WORLD- DNA origami makes it big
The Scientist- The Biggest DNA Origami Structures Yet
Phys.Org- A 100-fold leap to GigaDalton DNA nanotech
Phys.Org 2- DNA bricks enable self-assembly of 3-D nanostructures from 10,000 unique components
ScienceDaily- A 100-fold leap to GigaDalton DNA nanotech
Nanowerk- A 100-fold leap to GigaDalton DNA nanotechnology
nanotechweb- Artificial DNA self-assembly goes large
ZME Science- Scientists turn DNA into virtually any 3D shape imaginable
Medical Design Technology- A 100-fold Leap to GigaDalton DNA Nanotech
Controlled Environments- Major Advancements in DNA Nanotechnology
Innovations Report- A 100-fold leap to GigaDalton DNA nanotech
FutureTimeline- 100-fold increase in nanostructure complexity
Infosurhoy- A 100-fold leap to GigaDalton DNA nanotech
Sciworthy- When DNA meets LEGO: Sculpting on the Nanoscale
welt der physik- Microstructures through self-organization (Mikrostrukturen durch Selbstorganisation)
Wissenschaft aktuell- DNA origami: Microstructures build themselves (DNA-Origami: Mikrostrukturen bauen sich selbst)

Multiplexed 3D super-resolution imaging of whole cells using spinning disk confocal microscopy and DNA-PAINT
F. Schueder, J. Lara-Guiterrez, B. Beliveau, S. Saka, H. Sasaki, J. Woehrstein, M. Strauss, H. Grabmayr, P. Yin*, and R. Jungmann*
December 2017

Wyss Press Release- Visualizing single molecules in whole cells with a new spin
ScienceDaily- Visualizing single molecules in whole cells with a new spin
GEN- Novel Technique Opens Door to Super Resolution of Single Molecules in Cells
Phys.Org- Visualizing single molecules in whole cells with a new spin

Programmable autonomous synthesis of single-stranded DNA
J. Kishi, T. Schaus, N. Gopalkrishnan, F. Xuan, and P. Yin
November 2017

Wyss Press Release- Autonomously growing synthetic DNA strands
HMS News- Growing DNA Strands
Nanowerk News- Autonomously growing synthetic DNA strands
ScienceDaily- Autonomously growing synthetic DNA strands - Autonomously growing synthetic DNA strands
Technology Networks- Autonomously Growing Synthetic DNA Strands

A DNA nanoscope via auto-cycling proximity recording
T. E. Schaus, S. Woo, F. Xuan, X. Chen and P. Yin
September 2017

Wyss Press Release- High-fidelity recording of molecular geometry with DNA "nanoscopy"
Nanowerk News- Molecular geometry with DNA nanoscopy (w/video)
AZoNano- DNA "Nanoscopy" Enables High-Fidelity Recording of Molecular Geometry
BioTecNika- DNA Nanoscopy To Describe Molecules With High Precision
Phys.Org- High-fidelity recording of molecular geometry with DNA 'nanoscopy'
Gears Of Biz- High-fidelity recording of molecular geometry with DNA 'nanoscopy'
R & D Magazine- High-Fidelity Recording of Molecular Geometry With DNA 'Nanoscopy'
ScienceDaily- High-fidelity recording of molecular geometry with DNA 'nanoscopy'

Complex cellular logic computation using ribocomputing devices
A. A. Green, J. Kim, D. Ma, P. A. Silver, J. J. Collins and P. Yin
July 2017

Wyss Press Release- Programming cells with computer-like logic
ASU Press Release- Living computers: RNA circuits transform cells into nanodevices
IEEE Spectrum- Complex Biological Computer Commands Living Cells
Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence- A living programmable biocomputing device based on RNA
Tonic- Bacteria Can Now Be Programmed Like a Computer RNA used to make 'living computers' for nanotechnology
MOTHERBOARD- Hacked E. Coli Shows the Promise of Programmable Biology
Technology Networks- Programming Cells with Computer-like Logic
ScienceDaily 1- Programming cells with computer-like logic
ScienceDaily 2- Living computers: RNA circuits transform cells into nanodevices
Scientific Computing- RNA Circuits Transform Cells into Nanodevices
Nanotechnology Now- Living computers: RNA circuits transform cells into nanodevices
New big future- RNA circuits transform cells into nanodevices with 12 input logic Novel RNA nanodevices in living cells can sense and analyze multiple complex signals
Biocompare- Programming cells with computer-like logic
Nanowerk 1- Programming cells with computer-like logic
Nanowerk 2- Living computers: RNA circuits transform cells into nanodevices (w/video)
Newswise- Living Computers: RNA Circuits Transform Cells Into Nanodevices
R&D Magazine- Living Computers: RNA Circuits Transform Cells Into Nanodevices
Controlled Environments- Living Computers: RNA Circuits Transform Cells Into Nanodevices Minicomputer in der Zelle
Le Scienze- Se la cellula ragiona come un computer

Sub-100-nm metafluorophores with digitally tunable optical properties self-assembled from DNA
J. B. Woehrstein, M. T. Strauss, L. L. Ong, B. Wei, D. Y. Zhang, R. Jungmann and P. Yin
June 2017

Wyss Press Release- Extremely colorful, incredibly bright and highly multiplexed
MPI Press Release- Multicoloured microcosm: 124 colours thanks to RGB technology Self-assembling reagents with tunable colors and brightness enable highly multiplexed tagging, microscopic imaging Metafluorophores go multiplex
Nanowerk- Extremely colorful, incredibly bright and highly multiplexed
Controlled Environments- Extremely Colorful, Incredibly Bright and Highly Multiplexed
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft- Im Mikrokosmos wird es bunt: 124 Farben dank RGB-Technologie
JuraForum- Im Mikrokosmos wird es bunt: 124 Farben dank RGB-Technologie
innovations report- Im Mikrokosmos wird es bunt: 124 Farben dank RGB-Technologie
MEDIZIN ASPEKTE- Im Mikrokosmos wird es bunt: 124 Farben dank RGB-Technologie
scinexx- Im Mikrokosmos wird es bunt: 124 Farben dank RGB-Technologie


Optical imaging of individual biomolecules in densely packed clusters
M. Dai, R. Jungmann and P. Yin
July 2016

Wyss Press Release- From super to ultra-resolution microscopy
Harvard Gazette- Microscopy taps power of programmable DNA
NIH NIBIB- From super to ultra-resolution microscopy From super to ultra-resolution microscopy: New method pushes the frontier in imaging resolution
Laboratory Network- From Super To Ultra-Resolution Microscopy
Science Newsline- From Super to Ultra-resolution Microscopy
ScienceDaily- From super to ultra-resolution microscopy
GeekJournal- From super to ultra-resolution microscopy
Controlled Environments- Microscopy Goes Super to Ultra
BestTheNews- Super Optical Microscope And DNA-PAINT Used To Distinguish Features 5 Nanometers Apart
AZoNano- Discrete Molecular Imaging Technology Distinguishes Individual Molecular Features
American Laboratory- Breakthrough Imaging Technique Distinguishes Individual Features in Single Molecules
Nanowerk- From super to ultra-resolution microscopy
Photonics Online- From Super To Ultra-Resolution Microscopy
Science Codex- From super to ultra-resolution microscopy
Nanotechnology Now- From super to ultra-resolution microscopy: A new method pushes the frontier in imaging resolution, with the potential to distinguish individual features in single molecules
Next Big Future- Super optical microscope and DNA-PAINT used to distinguish features 5 nanometers apart From super to ultra-resolution microscopy
Microscopy and Analysis- Stretching super-resolution microscopy limits

Quantitative Super-Resolution Imaging with qPAINT
R. Jungmann, M. S. Avendano, M. Dai, J. B. Woehrstein, S. S. Agasti, Z. Feiger, A. Rodal and P. Yin
March 2016

Wyss Press Release- qPAINT counts biomolecules inside cells
Nanowerk- Counting biomolecules inside cells qPAINT counts biomolecules inside cells
ScienceNewline- qPAINT Counts Biomolecules Inside Cells
Weekly Hot News- Counting with qPAINT
Mountain Dreams News- Counting with qPAINT
ScienceDaily- qPAINT counts biomolecules inside cells
NIH NIBIB- New qPAINT technology gives microscopes "super-vision"
ScienceDaily 2- New qPAINT technology gives microscopes 'super-vision'
News Medical- New qPAINT technology helps develop more precise, less expensive microscopes

Damon Runyon HHMI Fellowship
Brian Beliveau
Jan 2016

Damon Runyon News Release- Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Grants Prestigious Fellowship, Breakthrough Scientist Awards to 23 Top Young Scientists


Launching of Ultivue Inc., the first start-up from the lab
October 2015

Wyss News Release- Wyss Institute launches new company to provide inexpensive access to super-resolution microscopy Harvard Spinoff to Commercialize Superresolution Microscopy Alternative Wyss Institute launches new company to provide inexpensive access to super-resolution microscopy
Nanowerk- Wyss Institute launches new company to provide inexpensive access to super-resolution microscopy
Science and Enterprise- Spin-Off to Provide Lower-Cost Molecular Imaging Technology
NOVUS LIGHT TECHNOLOGIES TODAY- Wyss Institute Announces Startup Microscopy Company, Ultivue
AD HOC NEWS- The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University today announced the launch of its latest startup company, Ultivue Inc
Product Design & Development- Wyss Institute Launches New Company to Provide Inexpensive Access to Super-Resolution Microscopy

Human Frontier Science Program Postdoctoral Fellowship
Nicolas Garreau de Loubresse
October 2015

HFSP Press Release- Announcing the winners of the 2015 HFSP fellowships

2015 World Economic Forum Young Scientist Award
September 2015

World Ecomonic Forum Press Release- World Economic Forum Honours its 2015 Young Scientists Community at Annual Meeting of the New Champions

Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists - National Finalist
May 2015

Blavatnik Award Announcement- 2015 National Finalists
Reuters- Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists Announce 2015 Finalists
PR Newswire- Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists Announce 2015 Finalists

MIT Technology Review Innovators under 35 Colombia
Maier Avendano
May 2015

MIT Technology Review in Spanish News Release-Innovators under 35: Maier Avendano, 29 - MIT Technology Review


Casting inorganic structures with DNA molds
W. Sun, E. Boulais, Y. Hakobyan, W. Wang, A. Guan, M. Bathe*, P. Yin*
October 2014

Wyss News Release- DNA nano-foundries cast custom-shaped metal nanoparticles DNA nano-foundries cast custom-shaped 3-D metal nanoparticles
The Science Times- DNA nano-foundries cast custom-shaped metal nanoparticles
Nanotechnology Now- DNA nano-foundries cast custom-shaped metal nanoparticles: DNA's programmable assembly is leveraged to form precise 3D nanomaterials for disease detection, environmental testing, electronics and beyond
Nanowerk- DNA nano-foundries cast custom-shaped metal nanoparticles
ars technica- Making molds for metal nanoparticles using DNA
AZO Materials- Researchers Cast Inorganic 3D Nanoparticle Structures Using DNA Moulds

Paper-based synthetic gene networks
K. Pardee, A.A. Green, T. Ferrante, E. Cameron, A. DaleyKeyser, P. Yin, and J.J. Collins
Toehold switches: De-novo-designed regulators of gene expression
A.A. Green, P.A. Silver, J.J. Collins, P. Yin
October 2014

Wyss News Release- Synthetic biology on ordinary paper, results off the page
BBC News- Prototype paper test can detect Ebola strains
Laboratory Equipment- Synthetic Biology on Normal Paper Yields Biosensors
Nanowerk- Synthetic biology on ordinary paper, results off the page (w/video)
Medical News Today- Cheap, fast 'paper strip' test for Ebola, other infections, steps closer
Red Orbit- Synthetic Biology On Ordinary Paper, Results Off The Page
CNET- Simple paper 'litmus' test detects disease, infection
TheScientist- Next Generation: Freeze-Dried Gene Networks Synthetic biology on ordinary paper, results off the page
IEEE Spectrum- Printed Dots Detect Ebola (and More) Without a Lab
Medical Daily- Rapid Ebola Detection May Soon Be Possible With Freeze-Dried Gene Networks
MIT Technology Review- Synthetic Biologists Create Paper-Based Diagnostic for Ebola
heise online- Papier statt Zellen - synthetische Biologie für den Alltag
Next Big Future- Paper strip tests for Ebola for 4 to 65 cents each
Design & Trend- Freeze-Dried Synthetic Gene Networks Used As Sensors
Newsweek- New Pocket-Sized Blotter Test Can Detect Ebola Strains in Just 30 Minutes
io9- This Remarkable Scrap Of Paper Can Detect Ebola
Headlines & Global News- Ebola Could Be Detected In Less Than An Hour With Pocket-Sized Piece Of Paper (VIDEO)
Digital Trends- This slip of paper can detect the Ebola virus in less than an hour
(e) Science News- Paper-based synthetic gene networks could enable rapid detection of ebola and other viruses
R&D Magazine- Synthetic biology on ordinary paper, results off the page

DNA brick crystals with prescribed depths
Y. Ke, L.L. Ong, W. Sun, J. Song, M. Dong, W.M. Shih, P. Yin
October 2014

Wyss News Release- Crystallizing the DNA nanotechnology dream
R&D Magazine- Crystallizing the DNA nanotechnology dream Crystallizing the DNA nanotechnology dream: Scientists have designed the first large DNA crystals
gizmag- Large 3D nanostructures built from Lego-like DNA bricks
Tech Times- Crystallizing DNA: Scientists make first large DNA crystals for nanotechnology
ZME Science- Researchers make 32 differently-shaped DNA crystals - is this the Future of Nanotech?
Headlines & Global News- Large DNA Crystals Could Shape Future Nanodevices
Next Big Future- DNA nanotechnology breaking through limits to scale 1000 times larger over two years and now can make virus size structure from the bottom up

2014 World Economic Forum Young Scientist Award
September 2014

World Ecomonic Forum Press Release- World Economic Forum Honours its 2014 Young Scientists Community at Annual Meeting of the New Champions
High Beam Research- World Economic Forum Honours Its 2014 Young Scientists Community at Annual Meeting of the New Champions

NanoString Technologies' non-exclusive license of toehold probes
July 2014

NanoString Technologies News Release- NanoString Technologies Introduces New Universal Junction Probe Design for Detecting Gene Fusions
Market Watch- NanoString Technologies Introduces New Universal Junction Probe Design for Detecting Gene Fusions

Damon Runyon HHMI Fellowship
Sungwook Woo
July 2014

Damon Runyon News Release- Damon Runyon Foundation Grants Prestigious Fellowship Awards to 16 Top Young Scientists
PHD Philanthropy News Digest- Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Fellows Announced

ACS Synthetic Biology Young Investigator Award
June 2014

Wyss Institute- Wyss Core Faculty member Peng Yin Receives 2014 ACS Synthetic Biology Young Investigator Award

Wyss Institute Director's Cross-Platform Challenge Fellowship
Jongmin Kim
June 2014

Wyss News Release- Wyss Institute Director’s Cross-Platform Challenges

Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists- National Finalist
May 2014

Blavatnik News Release- 2014 National Finalists
Wyss Institute- Prestigious award for Yin
Access Industries- Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists Announce 30 Finalists
Reuters- Blavatnik National Awards for Young Scientists Announce 30 Finalists National Awards for Young Scientists Announce 30 Finalists

Polyhedra self-assembled from DNA tripods and characterized with 3D DNA-PAINT
R. Iinuma, Y. Ke, R. Jungmann, T. Schlichthaerle, J.B. Woehrstein, P. Yin
March 2014

Wyss News Release- Roomy cages built from DNA
Nanotechnology Now- Roomy cages built from DNA: Self-assembling cages are the largest standalone 3-D DNA structures yet, and could one day deliver drugs, or house tiny bioreactors or photonic devices
Veooz- Roomy cages built from DNA could one day deliver drugs, devices
Brunch News- Roomy cages built from DNA could one day deliver drugs, devices
Science Daily- Roomy cages built from DNA could one day deliver drugs, devices
Machines Like Us- Roomy cages built from DNA
Nanowerk- Roomy cages built from DNA
Harvard Gazette- Roomy cages built from DNA Self-assembling nanocages are the largest standalone 3-D DNA structures yet
Biomedicine- Roomy cages built from DNA
Science Codex- Roomy cages built from DNA
The Emory Health Sciences Research Blog- Fluorescent jungle gyms made of dna
Tech Times- Complex self-assembling nanocages made from DNA
e! Science News- Self-assembling nanocages are the largest standalone 3-D DNA structures yet
Microscopy and Analysis- DNA microscopy images complex nanocages
HNGN- DNA Nanocages Could Lead To Minuscule Factories And Disease-Detecting Devices
USA News- Self-assembling nanocages are the largest standalone 3-D DNA structures yet
Newsfiber- Harvard scientists fold DNA to make cages for drug delivery
Fierce Drug Delivery- Harvard scientists fold DNA to make cages for drug delivery
Nolet-Self-assembling nanocages are the largest standalone 3-D DNA structures yet
w8.ns- Self-assembling nanocages are the largest standalone 3-D DNA structures yet
Design News- 3D Pictures of Huge, Self-Assembled DNA Structures

Multiplexed 3D cellular super-resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT and Exchange-PAINT
R. Jungmann, M. Avendano, J. Woehrstein, M. Dai, W. Shih, P.Yin
February 2014

Wyss News Release - Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components at once
Harvard Gazette - Sharper Image
Gizmodo-This Super Sharp Image of a Cell's Insides Was Made With Glowing DNA
Wired- Ultra-Sharp Images of Cells, Made Using Fluorescent DNA
R&D Magazine- Capturing ultra-sharp images of multiple cell components at once
The Daily Mail- The beauty of genes: Scientists take stunning 'photographs' of human cells by making the DNA inside them GLOW
AZO Nano - New DNA-Based Microscopy Could Enable Simultaneous Image Capture of Multiple Cell Components
Updated News- Ultra-Sharp Images of Cells, made Using Fluorescent DNA
News Medical- New super-resolution microscopy method could spot dozens of distinct types of biomolecules Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components at once
Nanowerk- Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components at once
e! Science News- Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components at once
Bioscience Technology-Capturing Ultrasharp Images of Multiple Cell Components at Once
redOrbit-New Microscopy Method Could Spot Dozens Of Distinct Types Of Biomolecules At The Same Time
Softpedia-Cellular Biomolecules Can Now Be Imaged in Exquisite Detail
Worldess Tech- Sharp Image of a Cell made by Glowing DNA
Hematology Times- Method captures images of multiple cell components
SOTT- Scientists take stunning 'photographs' of human cells by making the DNA inside them glow!
Nanotech Etc.- Innovations Lead To Higher Resolution Microscopy For Imaging Biomolecules>
Qstorm- Publication of Powerful new Super-Resolution Imaging Technique
Biomedicine- Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components at once
The Engineer- Multiple biomolecules viewed in a single human cell
Epoch Times- Exchange-Paint, il nuovo metodo per fotografare cosa accade dentro una cellula
Bubblews-The beauty of genes
Scicasts- Capturing Ultrasharp Images of Multiple Cell Components At Once
Kurzweil- Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components simultaneously
IEEE Life Sciences - New Microscopy Method generates simultaneous snapshots of multiple cell components - Capturing ultrasharp images of multiple cell components at once


NIH Transformative Research Award
September 2013

Wyss News Release - DNA nanotechnology opens new path to super-high-resolution molecular imaging
NIH News Release - NIH Announces 2013 High-Risk, High-Reward Research Awards
Genome Web- Wyss Wins $3.5M for Advanced Molecular Imaging Tech
AZO Nano- Harvard's Wyss Institute Team Receives NIH Grant to Develop DNA-Based Microscopy Method
Nanotechnology Today- Molecular Beacons Sharpen Images DNA nanotechnology opens new path to super-high-resolution molecular imaging
Antibody Review- DNA-PAINT a New Technique Enabling Super Resolution Microscopy
Molecular Imaging - ÔBlinkingÕ DNA probes revolutionize optical microscopy
Biotech Calendar - Life Science Funding Worth $3.5M Awarded to Harvard University
Biology News Net- DNA nanotechnology opens new path to super-high-resolution molecular imaging
Next Big Future- DNA nanotechnology opens new path to super-high-resolution molecular imaging
Micromanfacturing- DNA microscopy research explores ways to improve molecular imaging
e! Science News- DNA nanotechnology opens new path to super-high-resolution molecular imaging

NSF Expeditions in Computing Award
September 2013

NSF News Release - NSF announces new Expeditions in Computing awards
Caltech News Release - Team Led by Caltech Wins Second $10 Million Award for Research in Molecular Programming

DNA-directed self-assembly of shape-controlled hydrogels
H. Qi, M. Ghodousi, Y. Du, C. Grun, H. Bae, P. Yin, A. Khademhosseini
September 2013

Wyss Institute - Programmable glue made of DNA directs tiny gel bricks to self-assemble
Harvard Gazette - DNA glue directs tiny gel ‘bricks’ to self-assemble
Design News - Researchers Use Engineered DNA to Develop Programmable Glue
The Harvard Crimson - Wyss Researchers Use DNA as Smart Glue
Wired - Programmable DNA Glue
Discovery News - Programmable DNA 'glue' self-assembles cells
BostonInno - Harvard Researchers Create a Programmable, Sticky Glue Out of DNA
Harvard Systems Biology - DNA glue directs tiny gel ‘bricks’ to self-assemble
Mashable - Programmable DNA 'Glue' Self-Assembles Cells
Science Daily - Programmable Glue Made of DNA Directs Tiny Gel Bricks to Self-Assemble
Las Vegas Guardian Express - DNA Creates Glue That Builds by Itself
Popular Mechanics - Programmable DNA glue directs tiny gel bricks to self-assemble

HHMI International Predoctoral Fellowship
Maier Avendano
August 2013

HHMI News Release - HHMI Selects 42 International Student Research Fellows
HMS Systems Biology - Maier Avendano Amado selected as HHMI International Research Fellow

Metalized DNA nano lithography for encoding and transferring spatial information for graphene patterning
Z. Jin, W. Sun, Y. Ke, C.-J. Shih, G. L.C. Paulus, Q. H. Wang, B. Mu, P. Yin, M. S. Strano
April 2013

MIT News - Patterning Graphene with DNA
SciTech Daily - Patterning Graphene with Metallized DNA Nanolithography
Electronic News - DNA used as template for graphene electronic components
ExtremeTech - MIT and Harvard engineers create grapheme electronics with DNA-based lithography
Paste Magazine - Scientists Experiment With DNA to Create Thinner, Lighter Electronics
Physics Buzz - DNA Sculpts Graphene Sheets
The Verge - Scientists use DNA to pave the way for thinner, smaller electronic
Digital Manufacturing Report - MIT, Harvard Pattern Graphene with DNA


Three-dimensional structures self-assembled from DNA bricks
Y. Ke, L. Ong, W. Shih, P. Yin
November 2012

Wyss Institute - Researchers Create Versatile 3D Nanostructures Using DNA "Bricks"
Harvard Gazette - Building with DNA Bricks: Harvard's Wyss Institute creates versatile 3-D nanostructures
NBC News - Building with DNA Bricks, Scientists build with DNA bricks
LA Times - Scientists build tiny structures using Lego-like DNA 'bricks' - Harvard scientists build tiny structures with DNA Legos
Discover Magazine - DNA Lego bricks produce nano-sculptures
Discovery News - DNA 'LEGOs' Build a Mini Space Shuttle
CBS News - DNA Lego bricks
The Scientist - DNA Bricks: Researchers design and build nanoscale structures out of Lego-like DNA bricks -
BioTechniques - Lego-like DNA Building Bricks
Bio-Medicine - Harvard's Wyss Institute team creates versatile 3d nano structures using DNA 'bricks'
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - DNA Nanotechnology Goes 3D
Popular Mechanics - Researchers Create Versatile 3D Nanostructures Using DNA "Bricks"
R&D Magazine - Researchers create versatile 3D nano structures using DNA 'bricks'
Chemistry World - Lego-like DNA bricks are child's play - Researchers create versatile 3D nanostructures using DNA 'bricks'
TechNewsDaily - DNA 'LEGOs' Build a Mini Space Shuttle
Science Daily - Nanobiotechnology: Versatile 3-D Nanostructures Using DNA 'Bricks'
Extreme Tech - Harvard creates self-assembling DNA nanostructures from tiny DNA 'Lego bricks'
e! Science News - Harvard's Wyss Institute team creates versatile 3d nanostructures using DNA 'bricks'
Science Codex - Harvard's Wyss Institute team creates versatile 3d nanostructures using DNA 'bricks'
Lab Spaces - Team creates versatile 3d nanostructures using DNA 'bricks'
Foresight Institute - Arbitrarily complex 3D DNA nanostructures built from DNA bricks
Genome Web - This Week in Science - DNA Lego Bricks - Montan Nanoestructuras Con 'Ladrillos' De ADN Como Si Fueran Piezas De Lego
Terra Brasil - Cientistas "brincam de Lego" com DNA e criam nanoestruturas 3D
French Tribune - Scientists' New Technique introduced with Lego-like DNA 'bricks'
Spanish Scientific News Agency - Montan nanoestructuras con 'Iadrillos' de ADN como si fueran piezas de Lego
MedIndia - Versatile 3D Nanostructures Using DNA 'Bricks' Created By Harvard's Wyss Institute Team
Wissenslogs - Lego spielen mit DNA-Bausteinen - US creates hundreds of 3D nano structures with DNA "bricks"

Sub-micrometer geometrically encoded fluorescent barcodes self-assembled from DNA
C. Lin, R. Jungmann, A.M. Leifer, C. Li, D. Levner, G.M. Church, W. Shih, P. Yin
September 2012

Wyss Institute - Wyss Institute Develops New Nanodevice Manufacturing Strategy Using Self-Assembling DNA "Building Blocks"
Harvard Crimson - Scientists Develop DNA Barcoding
NSF - Researchers at Harvard's Wyss Institute Engineer Novel DNA Barcode - Researchers engineer novel DNA barcode
Materials Today - Novel DNA barcode
BioOptics World - Engineered DNA barcode boosts fluorescence microscopy potential
Dark Daily - Harvard Researchers' New DNA Barcoding May Give Pathologists Expanded Capabilities in Fluorescence Microscopy
Tech News Daily - New Research Tech Makes Individual Cells Glow
Laboratory Talk - US scientists engineer novel DNA barcode

HHMI International Predoctoral Fellowship
Mingjie Dai
July 2012

HHMI News Release - HHMI Awards 50 International Predoctoral Fellowships, 2012 International Student Research Fellows

Complex shapes self-assembled from single-stranded DNA tiles
B. Wei, M. Dai, P. Yin
May 2012

Wyss Institute - Wyss Institute Develops New Nanodevice Manufacturing Strategy Using Self-Assembling DNA "Building Blocks"
Harvard Gazette - Using DNA as bricks and motor
Nature - DNA drawing with an old twist
Discover Magazine - This post is written in a font made of DNA
NBC News - DNA designs done faster, cheaper
LA Times - Biologists construct self-assembling tiles of DNA
Daily Mail (UK) - The living ABC: Scientists create tiny alphabet out of DNA - and say 'blocks' could be used to deliver drugs inside human body - Scientists with too much free time craft DNA emoticons
New Scientist - DNA origami: synthetic tiles can make over 100 shapes
BioTechniques - Faster, Cheaper DNA Origami
Foresight Institute - DNA tiles provide faster, less expensive way to fabricate complex DNA objects
The China Post - Scientists use strands of DNA to weave Smileys on the nanoscale
Science Illustrated - DNA strands self-assemble to make nanoscale artworks
PC World - Biology Meets Typography With DNA Sans
Gizmodo - Harvard Scientists Make Graphic Designers Look Lazy by Using DNA to Create a New Font
Azonano - New Method to Build Intricate Nanostructures Using Short Synthetic DNA Strands
Radio Australia News - Chinese characters, smileys as scientists create DNA 'origami'
Iol SciTech - DNA strands create tiniest Smileys
World News Austrailia - DNA strands create world's tiniest Smileys
Physics World - DNA tiles pave the way - DNA strands create tiniest Smileys
R&D - Researchers develop new nano device manufacturing strategy
Arabs Today - Use DNA in manufacturing strategy
Fast Code Design - This Font Made Of DNA Isn't Just for Kicks

Optimizing the specificity of nucleic acid hybridization
D.Y. Zhang, S.X. Chen, P. Yin
January 2012

Wyss Institute - New molecular probe can distinguish DNA and RNA sequences with unprecedented accuracy


DARPA Young Faculty Award
September 2011

Wyss News Release - Peng Yin Wins DARPA Young Faculty Award

January 2011

Wyss News Release - Wyss Institute Faculty Member Wins NSF Career Award


NIH New Innovator Award
September 2010

Wyss News Release - Peng Yin of Harvard's Wyss Institute Receives NIH Director's New Innovator Award
Harvard Gazette - Funding for the future


Programming DNA tube circumferences
P. Yin, R.F. Hariadi, S. Sahu, H.M.T. Choi, S.H. Park, T.H. LaBean, J.H. Reif
August 2008

Caltech News Release - Caltech Scientists Create DNA Tubes with Programmable Sizes for Nanoscale Manufacturing
Nature Nanotech - DNA nanotubes: Programming the design

Programming Biomolecular Self-Assembly Pathways
P. Yin, H.M.T. Choi, C.R. Calvert, N.A. Pierce
January 2008

Caltech News Release - Programming Biomolecular Self-Assembly Pathways
NSF News Release - Molecular Walker Takes Baby Steps